
Keeping the house spotless

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Keeping the house spotless

I just can't relax unless the house is clean. I recently broke my ankle and have been laid up while my family keeps making a mess all around me. It was driving me mad so I have been getting in a cleaning service 3 times a week just to make sure that the house isn't destroyed by the time I can move again. I am starting this blog to keep me occupied and to help out the rest of the mums out there that have had similar accidents and need to keep sane while their house is turning messy around them!

Help! What to Do if You’ve Found Asbestos in Your Home

Suspected asbestos in your home can be enough to trigger a panic. Whether you're worried about your health or your wallet, it can be daunting to find out that the harmful material could be in the walls around you. But don't panic; this short guide will give you an idea of what you can do if you find asbestos. Asbestos was used in many construction projects before it was discovered just how dangerous it could be. Read More 

Getting Your Wedding Dress Ready for Professional Cleaning

Weddings are famously expensive occasions, with pretty much every part of the big day increasing your overall budget by a considerable amount. Often one of the most expensive things you'll hand over cash for is the wedding dress but, of course, it's not just the monetary cost that makes it an important item. For most people, it's an irreplaceable memento of one of the best days of your life. For that very reason, how you handle your dress after your wedding day is extremely important, so it can be safely preserved. Read More 

3 Cleaning Tips to Help Rent Your Vacation Property Fast

Keeping your vacation property clean is the first step to attracting tenants during the holidays. Also, it helps to prolong the life of the appliances, furniture and furnishings and saves you from incurring repair costs every time you need a new tenant. Deep cleaning before advertising your property can help you rent it fast. This is because even the photos you post online will showcase a well-maintained home where every person would love to spend their vacation. Read More